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For a bit of background.


 I am a Wyoming native and nearly life long resident, born and raised in Riverton.  A Laramie business owner and volunteer. I want to see the continued growth and prosperity for all that choose Albany County as home.


For the past 21 years I have owned and operated Wyoming State Safe & Lock Co. based in Laramie.

Most of my time is spent providing commercial and government physical security and surveillance. Unlike the stereotypical locksmith I don't spend a lot of time unlocking houses or cars.  Some projects start at the budget phase and take a year or more to execute and other are a day or two. 


My family and I live West of Laramie with horses, dogs, cats and whatever 4H project is being raised. 


I enjoy getting out in the mountains with my family and exploring trails and roads less traveled.


As a former member of Search and rescue team member I had the privilege of exploring the county sometimes in the middle of the night.  In fact I've been to Laramie Peak more times at night than in daylight.


Every summer I like to volunteer with the Laramie Range Epic Bike Race and the the Rails to Trails Marathon.


My hobbies include shooting, welding/fabricating (usually useless) metal objects, playing with a 3D printer and amateur radio.










Commission aspirations.


  • Ensure that county government is representing the community it serves and not the other way around. 


  • That tax dollars of the are being used wisely and accountability for the recipients of those funds.    


  • Work towards new revenue streams and economic development/collaboration that relieves the counties dependence on State and Federal dollars.  


  • Work with State Legislators to Stabilize taxation for property owners and forecast future adjustments for planning.                                                                     

  • Ensure the smooth flow of government, work with (not against) existing commissioners and elected officials for the benefit of  all.

"Thad, sometimes the hardest thing to do as Commission is say NO!"

Tim Sullivan

Former  Albany County Commissioner.

"Congratulations and condolences buddy."

Malcolm Ervin

Platte Count Clerk- Current

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